


Wellbeing at St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School

At St Mary of the Angels, we ALL have the wellbeing of our children, our staff and our families as our priority. All staff are trained in  Mental Health First Aid and across our school we provide have a broad and comprehensive provision to ensure everyone's wellbeing is met. We are a 'My Happy Mind' school, which means we follow the My Happy Mind programme and approaches. You can find our more information about MHM on this page and by coming into school. 


An integral part of our wellbeing provision is the role of our Learning Mentor, so let's meet her now....

My name is Miss Hennessy, and I am delighted to be the Learning Mentor at St. Mary of the Angels.  I have worked as a teaching assistant for the past 5 years across all year groups within the school, making me a familiar face for your children. For those who do not know me, I wanted to introduce myself and inform everyone of my role. My aim is to provide support and guidance to help pupils to overcome barriers to learning, which may be due to social, emotional or behavioural challenges. My background training includes a First Class Honours degree in Psychology and a Masters Degree in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. I have also completed my ELSA training and I am partnered with local cluster groups and networks. 

At St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School, we firmly believe that through nurturing the health and wellbeing of our pupils, we assist them in improving their academic outcomes and enjoying a positive-lifelong journey in education.

If you feel that there may be barriers to your child’s learning, please speak to your child’s class teacher for further advice.  Barriers to learning may include:

  • Anxiety and worries
  • Difficulties at home
  • Poor behaviour for learning
  • Issues concerning bullying/friendships/social anxieties
  • Dealing with bereavement/loss
  • General disaffection and disengagement from learning
  • Worries about transferring from primary to high school
  • Difficulties with organisation
  • Anger Management
  • SEMH- Social skills, Self-esteem, Honesty, Positive thinking
  • Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)
  • Mental Health

How can we help?

  • Provide support for all children’s well-being
  • Here to provide non-judgemental and confidential support to all our pupils and families
  • Work closely with teaching staff and families to help children achieve their full potential
  • Use a variety of activities, strategies and interventions within school on a bespoke basis to those in need
  • Provide short term interventions focussed on providing an emotional toolkit
  • Signpost further support agencies 

At St Mary's all our staff are trained in Mental Health First Aid, so we are all skilled and equipped to help your child.  You can come and talk to any member of staff about any worries or concerns you might have.

There are links below to a number of support sites, groups and resources that can also be helpful for parents.


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St Mary of the Angels Primary School, Rossall Grove, Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 1NN