
Our School Uniform:

We expect children to wear school uniform at all times

We believe that wearing uniform promotes a sense of belonging, pride and self-confidence. We further believe that non complience with unform can cause stress not only for the child not in uniform, but for other children as well.

If you claim for Free School Meals, you are also eligible for FREE UNIFORM. Please contact our office team for further details.

Uniform is easily available from The Uniform Shop (30 Overpool Road, CH66 1JN, 345 4656). The Uniform Shop is run by Mark and Vanessa Bond, parents from our school who are very knowledgable and obliging.


Our School uniform comprises of:
1. Grey trousers or skirt; 
2. White blouse/shirt or white polo shirt;
3. Black school shoes are required for all pupils; (not strappy slip-ons for girls) supportive school shoes please.
4. No trainers

Nearly all of these items and others can of course be bought cheaply at your local supermarkets, for best value comparisons.  We also ask you to purchase our own school sweat shirts/cardigans (available from The Uniform Shop as above). In the summer months, yellow gingham dresses may be worn. Please keep to simple dresses.


Book Bags

You are given a free book and belongings bag when you start school. Please use this throughout school, It saves space in school; it protects books (water resistant); has a luminous strip for safety; and it is hardy.

No big bags or backpacks thank you - the school bag caters for all your needs. Replacements are available cheaply in the school office.



Pupils  should be well presented in school; extremes of hairstyle are not accepted, at our discretion.

Long hair should be tied back, for hygiene and safety.

Jewellery is also discouraged, and not allowed at all in PE, for health and safety reasons.

If your child has ear-rings, they must be able to remove them for P.E. If they can't - don't wear them. P.E. is statutory, in the National Curriculum.


PE Kit

Pupils in KS2 have swimming lessons   For this, children require a costume and named towel. Goggles may only be worn if a note is provided by parents. The pool wish boys to wear trunks, not bermuda type shorts, for safety reasons. If you're involved, the lessons are compulsory and you'll be informed of the dates.

Our children take part in many competitions, representing the school, throughout the school year, both in and out of school hours.  We will usually provide a kit (eg school football team kit) on these occasions. All these must be returned, laundered and in good repair.


If any families struggle to provide uniform for any reason, please speak to a member of our office team who will handle the matter with sensitivity. If any child comes to school wearing clothing that is non-compliant, then teachers will initially speak to parents to see if we can offer support to resolve issues. We will also provide clothing from school supplies to be worn in school. This is to ensure the welfare of ALL of our children is considered.

Our full Uniform Policy is below

Files to Download

St Mary of the Angels Primary School, Rossall Grove, Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 1NN