
At St Mary of the Angels, we deeply value Computing, understanding its vital role in fostering digital literacy for a rapidly advancing technological world. As educators, we are committed to preparing our pupils for life beyond the classroom.
Computing is a foundational subject within the National Curriculum and is taught in all classes, supported by relevant educational software, hardware, and engaging experiences with educational visitors outside the classroom. We follow the Purple Mash scheme of work ensuring curriculum coverage and progression. The software can also be access at home, allowing children to extend their learning.
Attached below, you will find our Computing Intent, Implementation and Impact statement, along with the End Points in Computing that we utilise to assess student progress and attainment These End Points also guide us in providing meaningful next steps for every pupil.
Online safety is a critical aspect of our computing curriculum, taught to all students at St Mary’s, examples of which can be found below.
We also recognise the importance of extending online safety education into the home, as children have access to various digital devices beyond the classroom. To support this, we have created a dedicated online safety page on our website, accessible here.