Ofsted and CSI Reports
Ofsted Report - November 2024
Pupils' behaviour is EXEMPLARY
The school sets high expectations for pupils' achievement
Pupils embody the school's vision
Pupils benefit greatly from the extensive range of initiatives to support mental health
Arrangements for identifying additional needs, including SEND, are effective.
The school works well with parents and agencies to get pupils they help the need to learn well
The school has an ambitious curriculum
Staff are well trained
Pupils work hard and are supportive of each other
The school ensures attendance and punctuality are high priorities
The schools' work to promote pupils' personal development is extensive
Staff feel valued and motivated
Staff are committed to promoting high aspirations for all pupils at every opportunity
Governors are fully involved in the life of the school, they have a deep knowledge of the school and community.
Arrangements for safeguarding are effective
Catholic Schools Inspectorate Report - May 2023
The mission statement is a living reality permeating the WHOLE school
There is a real sense of team-working, in which EVERYONE is valued, this is at the core of all relationships at St Mary's.
There is a vibrant learning environment both inside and outside the school and this reflects the pride taken by all
Leadership is passionate, supportive and ambitious for all
There is a palpable sense of welcome here
Pupil behaviour is exemplary
All staff and governors are exemplary role models
Pastoral care is an outstanding feature of this school
Staff speak movingly about how they are supported by the leadership team
The senior leadership team is outstanding. It combines the vision and deep religious understanding of the headteacher with the considerable skills of the RE Lead and Deputy Head.
All pupils make at least good progress here
Behaviour in all lessons is outstanding
Work in pupils' books and related artwork is outstanding and reflects the pride and joy pupils take in their work
All teachers show good RE knowledge, pupils' thinking and discerning skills are effectively developed
The teaching staff form a VERY EFFECTIVE team, drawing on strengths from each other
Support staff are VERY EFFECTIVE in their roles
Prayer and Liturgy are the thread binding together the Catholic ethos here.
Weekly Gospel assemblies exemplify opportunities to open up the Word of God. Pupils describe this as a way "to get to know Jesus more"
Leaders are exemplary in the way they ensure prayer and liturgy are central to the life of the school.
Pupils know their voice is heard
Parents speak overwhelmingly in their support of the school
Ofsted Report - September 2019
"Pupils in this school really enjoy their education....lessons are interesting and full of fun"
"Staff skilfully teach what leaders expect in every subject....all pupils reach their full potential"
"Pupils' personal development is OUTSTANDING"
"Pupils know that the school keeps them safe. Pupils told us that there is no bullying in their school."
"Teachers and teaching assistants are highly skilled...pupils work hard and behave well because teachers expect them to."
"Pupils with special needs and disadvantaged pupils have the help they need to achieve their best"