Year 5 2023 - 2024

Mr Campbell

Summer Term

Hello and welcome to our Year 5 class page.  On here you will find everything you need to know about what your child is learning at school.  My name is Mr Campbell and I will be your child’s teacher this year assisted by highly skilled Mrs Rickett and Miss Hennessy.


During this term, we will be learning all about the history of our home, Ellesmere Port.  Alongside developing key historical skills such as chronology and source evaluation, we will be enriching the curriculum through fieldwork opportunities whilst visiting Little Sutton and Rivacre Valley studying ordnance survey symbols and the key features of a stream.  We will also be studying why our industrial areas and ports have been so important to the development of Ellesmere Port and our neighbouring towns and cities as well as learning all about the history of our TWO famous canals - The Shropshire Union Canal and the Manchester Ship Canal.


In English, we will be using the amazing The Brilliant Deep by Kate Messner and Matthew Forsythe plan, design and create an information that provides young people with information about the effects climate change are having on our coral reefs; we will tie this into our topic work on Ellesmere Port and look into the impact climate change is having on our local rivers and wildlife. We will continue to think about our local environment when using the text Paperbag Prince by Colin Thompson to create persuasive leaflets to the local council to help us clean up our town.  Through this unit, we will be developing our knowledge of persuasive devices, rhetorical questions and editing our writing to ensure we are being precise with our vocabulary choices and minimalising errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.


During Summer term, we will be building on our understanding of fractions when we develop our understanding of decimals to two decimal places and percentages.  Any child who has struggled with their work on fractions can be supported through the assessment materials found on our Google Classroom page.  We will then move onto area and perimeter – in which the children will be drawing links to the work they did on addition and subtraction and also multiplication earlier on in the year. We will end the academic year with units on statistics, shape, direction and some cross curricular work on negative numbers and graphs (linked to our topic).

As is always the case, regular assessment checks will be made and interventions will be put in place for any child who is struggling with gaps in their knowledge.

Religious Education

In RE this term, we will be studying Life in the Risen Christ.  In this topic the children will understand the Jesus is risen from the dead and is present to us in different ways. They will hear the story of Jesus appearance to Mary of Magdala and they will have an opportunity to learn about different ways of praying and Jesus’ teaching and example of prayer. We will end the year by learning about other faiths, and in this unit we will learn about some of the similarities and differences that exist between Christianity and other world faiths.


At home, there are many different ways in which you can support your child with their learning this year. Each week, Google Classroom will have details of reinforcement activities that can be completed in Home Learning books. There are also the Spelling Shed and Times Table Rockstars apps that the children are warmly invited to use as regularly as possible.

Children should continue to read every night and to have their reading logged in their reading record each time.  It is imperative that pupils read aloud regardless of their book band level.   Should I find a particular area of weakness in which I feel a child needs more work, I will note this in their planner along with an activity to help support them.

Children's planners will note when your child has read in school with an adult as well as times when your child has partaken in a Guided Reading group session and sometimes next steps will be suggested for you to best support your child at home.  All parents and carers are asked to sign page 4 in your child's planner which sets out our homework expectations for the year.

Children will have weekly spellings which are pertinent to their spelling needs and these will be written in their planners of a Friday.  Children will have a week of learning their spellings in school and at home before a spelling assessment the following Friday.

PE Days

Tuesday morning with Mr Birch  (Cricket specialist)

Friday afternoon with Mr Campbell/Mrs Rickett

Please make sure that your child comes to school in their PE kits on these days.


In Year 5, the children have the wonderful opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument.  These sessions will be led by our violin tutor Miss Sherwood from Edsential Musical Routes.  Her expertise is second to none and we now have several Year 6 children who have opted to continue violin tuition this year.

Pupils will receive their instruments within the first two weeks of term and violin lessons will take place of a Thursday afternoon.  It is therefore vital that the children remember to bring their instrument into school with them every Thursday unless stated otherwise.

To keep the violins tuned and well looked after, please ensure that they are kept in a safe space which isn't too hot (like near a radiator) or somewhere that is too cold (for example the boot of a car in the winter months).

Forest School

Unless stated otherwise, our Forest School dates for this year are as follows:

Thursday 16th May 2024 (Mapping our local area)

Please ensure that your child comes to school on these days dressed accordingly to the weather forecast in old clothes which you don’t mind getting dirty.  During the winter months, it will be imperative that the children are wrapped up with multiple layers and wear boots/old shoes.

Open invitation

You are always welcome to chat with myself after school, or to make an appointment.  Thank you once more for your ongoing support.  Together everyone achieves more, so it is much appreciated.

Mr Campbell

Year 5 Teacher & Deputy Headteacher

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St Mary of the Angels Primary School, Rossall Grove, Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 1NN