Pupil Premium.
How is the 'Pupil Premium Grant' being used at St. Mary of the Angels?
Pupil Premium allocation.
At St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School, we believe that all of the pupil premium funding should be used to support the academic and personal development of our most vulnerable children. We ensure that all disadvantaged pupils receive specific, targeted support to raise their attainment. Our aim is to ensure ambition for all pupils and give them the support that they need to achieve their very best in our school. At St Mary’s we strive to embed an inclusive, aspirational ethos which ensures that all of our disadvantaged children succeed regardless of their prior attainment information.
As a Catholic school, we believe in the God given potential of every child and as such we are always open to working with outside agencies and internally to ensure our children are given the best possible provision to support them on their holistic learning journeys. Quality first teaching will always be the bedrock of the support we offer at St Mary of the Angels. This is achieved through meticulous and skilled planning by teaching staff
who are aware of the disadvantaged children in their classrooms and determined to support them with any barriers they face. In promoting quality first teaching strategies, we develop young minds that have a solid foundation of maths and literacy skills. Furthermore, we focus a lot of our attention on ensuring our young people have the courage and confidence to embark on the next chapter of their learning journeys.
Through this strategy, we have considered the needs of all pupils for whom the school receives a grant, as well as those with Social Workers and those who are identified as Young Carers. The negative impact of external factors upon a child’s academic and lifelong success should be mitigated.
Our pupil premium provision, which is aligned with our School Development Plan, Curriculum Statement and Trauma Informed Practice ethos, has six key objectives.
They are:
1. Attainment at the end of KS2 follows a satisfactory protectory from their KS1 or EYFS starting points.
2. Attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths combined at the end of KS2 is in line with, or better than non-disadvantaged pupils.
3. They will acquire knowledge and skills in a broad range of subjects so as to maximise learning and future life opportunities.
4. Where pupils are identified as ‘disadvantaged’ and also have SEND, provision will be carefully tailored to meet all needs with a triangulated approach between school, home and other agencies.
5. To strive so attendance of identified pupils is at least in line with school attendance policy (97% or above).
6. They will be equipped with skills and understanding of mental processes and wellbeing strategies to enable them to build resilience and navigate through difficult life situations.