Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mr Dalton

Year 4: Mr Dalton’s Class

Autumn Term 2024

Hello and welcome to our Year 4 class page. This is where you will find out all the relevant information you need about what we are learning at school.

My name is Mr Dalton and I am very excited to be teaching at St Mary of the Angels this year. I am supported by Mrs Thompson-Jones and we have some really interesting things coming up this half-term.


This term, we will be learning all about Greece and the Ancient Greeks. This is a really interesting and exciting topic where we will get to find out about the history and culture of this period. Through this, we will develop our historical skills to find out how we know about the Ancient Greeks as well as completing artwork inspired by their designs.


In English, we will be using the fantastic Anthony Browne book ‘Gorilla’ as inspiration for our writing. We will look at features of narrative texts and then use these to create our own piece of narrative writing. Alongside this, we will be having a significant focus on basic skills such as handwriting, punctuation and grammar. During our guided reading sessions, we will look at a variety of age appropriate texts to focus on fluency and recall of information.

Our class novels for this term are George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl and a child-friendly version of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle


Towards the start of the year, we will focus most of our learning on Place Value and Number. This is to ensure that the children have a solid grasp of the foundational basics so that they can use them in other areas of learning. Alongside this, we will complete some more practical maths investigations. In Year 4, we have the  MTC multiplication check towards the end of the year and we will start looking at ways to improve our rapid recall of these facts.


Our RE unit will be centred around Creation and Covenant and after the half-term, Prophecy and Promise. We will be increasing our understanding of Creation and God as the Creator of the Universe, along with stewardship and what we can do to show care for God’s world.

Other Subjects

We also have lots of exciting learning planned across other subjects such as Music, PE, Spanish, Forest School, Computing, Art and Technology.

PE Days

Monday afternoon: Rugby with Mr Dalton

Thursday morning: Team-building games with Mr Dalton


Forest School

Unless stated otherwise, our Forest School dates for this year are as follows:

26th September

21st November

30th January

27th March

15th May

Please ensure that your child comes to school on these days dressed accordingly to the weather forecast in old clothes which you don’t mind getting dirty.  During the winter months it will be imperative that the children are wrapped up with multiple layers.


Homework in Year 4

All homework, including spellings, will be set on a Friday. Spelling tests will be on a Friday.

Homework and spellings will be accessible via Google Classroom. 


Files to Download

Year 4: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

St Mary of the Angels Primary School, Rossall Grove, Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 1NN